Amidst this winter wonderland, Gould Park & Playground planning has continued. The last several months have included the village recreation department working with the state environmental review board and the county offices overseeing our matching grant. This culminated in a plan that is being presented to the Board of Trustees tonight at 6:30pm for approval and the allocation of money from the Recreation Fund. Upon approval of this plan design and funds, the plan will go out to bid for construction this spring!
To show your support for the playground approval tonight, we encourage you to attend the Board of Trustees meeting at 6:30pm TONIGHT and consider setting your background to one of these Gould Park images (or another of your own) through this segment of the meeting to show your support for the playground.
The plan presented tonight will include playground equipment, installation, and related ground work that are covered through our matching grant with Westchester County and New York State. This will require allocation of funds that are currently in the Dobbs Ferry Recreation Fund (which gains money with each new building project in the Village, among other things, and is spent on capital improvements including all of the parks, playgrounds, pool, etc.) to supplement the $24,000 we have fundraised for this effort.
The plan presented tonight will not cover additional park elements that have been separately funded and will also be implemented this spring, but are not in the scope of the project being approved for bidding this evening. These elements include the hammocks, nature play, pollinator gardens, and landscaping. Some of these elements will be installed and planted communally, so stay tuned for more information about these activities in the coming months.
We still have some opportunities available for sponsorship and the Village is still accepting donations toward Gould Park. General donations will add to the Gould Park specific budgets for upcoming efforts such as landscaping.